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The Process of Bringing Family Members to Canada from Pakistan

 The Process of Bringing Family Members to Canada from Pakistan


For Pakistani immigrants in Canada who wish to reunite with their family members, Canada offers several immigration pathways to facilitate family reunification. Reuniting with family members involves a structured process, and understanding the requirements and options is crucial. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to bring family members to Canada from Pakistan:


  1. Determine Eligibility

- Sponsor Eligibility: To sponsor family members, you must be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident, at least 18 years old, and meet certain financial requirements to support your family.

- Eligible Family Members: Eligible family members for sponsorship typically include spouses, common-law partners, dependent children, parents, and grandparents.


  1. Choose the Appropriate Family Class

- Spouse or Partner Sponsorship: If you wish to sponsor your spouse, common-law partner, or conjugal partner, consider the Spouse or Common-Law Partner in Canada Class or the Family Class.

- Parent and Grandparent Sponsorship: For sponsoring parents and grandparents, the Parent and Grandparent Program is available, but it often involves a lottery system.


  1. Complete the Sponsorship Application

- Obtain Sponsorship Application Package: Download the sponsorship application package from the Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website or request a physical package.

- Complete Forms: Fill out the required forms, including the sponsorship application and the family member's application for permanent residence.


  1. Provide Supporting Documents

- Documentation: Gather all necessary supporting documents, such as proof of relationship, identity documents, medical exams, police clearances, and financial documents.

- Translations: Ensure that any documents not in English or French are translated by certified translators.


  1. Pay Fees

- Processing Fees: Pay the sponsorship processing fees, which can vary based on the type of sponsorship and the number of family members included.


  1. Submit the Application

- Application Submission: Mail the completed application package to the appropriate immigration office as per the instructions provided in the guide.

- Use Registered Mail: Sending applications through registered mail with tracking is recommended to ensure delivery.


  1. Processing Time

- Waiting Period: Processing times can vary, and it may take several months to receive a decision on the sponsorship application.

- Check Application Status: You can check the status of the application online using the unique application number provided.


  1. Admissibility and Medical Exams

- Medical Examinations: Family members may be required to undergo medical examinations to ensure they meet health and admissibility requirements.


  1. Interviews and Additional Information

- Interviews: In some cases, family members may be asked to attend interviews or provide additional information.

- Response to Requests: Respond promptly to any requests for additional information or documentation.


  1. Final Decision

- Approval: If the sponsorship application is approved, the family members will receive a Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR) and can apply for permanent residence.

- Refusal: If the application is refused, the reasons for refusal will be provided, and you may have the option to appeal.


  1. Arrival in Canada

- Travel Documents: Family members will need valid travel documents and must arrive in Canada before the expiration date on their COPR.

- Permanent Resident Cards: After arrival, family members will receive their permanent resident cards in the mail.


  1. Settlement and Integration

- Welcome to Canada: Assist your family members in settling into their new life in Canada, including finding housing, healthcare, and employment.

- Access Services: Encourage them to access settlement services available to newcomers.



Bringing family members to Canada from Pakistan involves a structured sponsorship process that requires careful preparation, documentation, and adherence to immigration regulations. By understanding the eligibility criteria and following the steps outlined in this guide, you can navigate the family reunification process effectively and successfully reunite with your loved ones in Canada. Secure your Canada visit visa from Pakistan with the help of SY consultants.


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